Saturday, August 24, 2013

Family Information for Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hello Friends and Families of Westside,

Hope everyone has been doing well these past few days!

Contrary to what the eNews said, this week is not a multi-gen service and there will be a class downstairs! Not just any class however, we have a special session this Sunday regarding animal adoption.  Regina Brennan and Joe Nabbefeld will be leading this awesome session with heartwarming adoption tales, some engaging “animal” songs, and some intriguing discussion set to clarify the misconceptions of pet adoption.  

As always the nursery is open for kids aged six weeks to four years. On the opposite end of the spectrum our teens/young adults are always encouraged to come and enjoy the service.  

Have a good weekend, hope to see you Sunday!



Teaching and Advising in our RE Programs: We are less than a month away from the start of our fall RE program, and we have open spots on our teaching teams from toddler age to grade five. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, or if you have an idea about someone we might invite for this opportunity, please see Betsy!
Middle School Con Registration: Families of middle schoolers –  Fall Con registration is open! September 27-29, Vashon Island. I encourage you to register in August to get the cheaper rate. Please make a copy of your registration for Betsy so she has accurate medical information. She will be attending Fall Con with our middle schoolers. Also, contact her directly if you have any questions (Betsy Lowry, dre@wsuu.org410-274-2018). 

OWL Update: We are offering two OWL classes this year, our Junior High OWL for 7th and 8th graders, and our elementary OWL for 4th and 5th graders. The Junior High class will likely begin in October and end in April, meeting from 5-6:30 on Sunday evenings. The elementary class has eight sessions, and will be offered starting in January. OWL is a significantly important experience for our children and youth, and requires a serious commitment on the part of families. We look forward to rich experiences with bonding and community building, trustbuilding, and learning in our OWL adventures this year. Attend an information session to learn more, and see Betsy Lowry ( if you have any questions. Elementary OWL information sessions will be offered in the fall.
Junior High OWL Information Sessions:
·       Sunday, August 25: 12:15-1:00 in the Library on the 3rd floor
·       Sunday, September 8: 12:15-1:00 in the Library on the 3rd floor

Coming of Age Program: Coming of Age (COA) is a program that marks the transition from childhood to young adult. UU’s generally emphasize four areas in the COA experience: pairing youth with adult mentors; discussions and retreats that emphasize self-awareness and confidence-building; service to the church and community; and a culminating affirmation ceremony. We are offering a COA program this year for any high schoolers from grades 9-11 who have not yet had this experience. Our class will start and end with retreats, and will meet on Sunday mornings every other week. We have a teaching team in place who is planning the curriculum and experiences for this program, and we invite youth and families to an information meeting on September 15th from 6-7 p.m. See Betsy Lowry ( if you have any questions.

Teacher Training: Our annual RE teacher training session will be offered on Saturday, September 7th this year, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. New and veteran teachers, please put this date on your calendar! Our alternate date for anyone who is not able to attend on the 7th, is Saturday September 14th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Youth Room Seeks Stuff! We are in the process of creating a dedicated space for our youth to gather, connect, learn, share, powwow, congregate, meditate, and otherwise make their own. So far, it is not the beautiful or cozy place they deserve. YOU can help! We are looking for the following items, let us know if you have, or have a line on, any of the following: Please remember to only offer items in excellent condition. (Would you send it to Goodwill or post it on Craigslist? Only Craigslist worthy will do!). If you are, or can provide, a resource for these items, please contact Lorelei Amato at

Sectional sofa
Beanbag chairs or large cushions
Microwave oven
Wall-mount option speakers with mini connector (head-phone cable)
Carpet or rug, 5x7 or a little larger

Thank You!
WSUU Youth Adult Committee

Youth Group Kick-Off: Our high school Youth Group getting-to-know-you sleepover to kick off the year is happening September 6-7 at the church! We’ll start at 6pm, and we’ll wrap up at noon on Saturday. Details coming through email to youth and families.

Youth Room Painting Party: Calling all high school youth who are willing to do some serious painting in our youth room! Join the fun on Saturday, September 7 from 12-3, after our sleepover. Contact Betsy or Shelby Greiner with any questions. 

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