Saturday, March 16, 2013

Family Information for Sunday, March 17

 Hello Friends and Families of Westside!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Read below to see the full set of activities available for our children and youth this Sunday.


1.    SOCIAL HOUR SNACKS: We want to ensure that there are healthy and inviting snacks on our social hour snack table for our kids. The social hour team will be including some bars, apple slices, and graham crackers each week. If you’re shopping and you see something that would be good to include on the snack table for our kids, please pick it up and drop it off in the kitchen. Just label it “for kids.” Thank you!

2.    CRAFTS AND COFFEE: Join us on Friday mornings in the church library (3rd floor) from 10-12 to visit, enjoy your coffee, and help to create crafts to be used in the RE program. Babies and children are invited! Contact Stina Lane-Cummings ( or Betsy Lowry (


Story Time: This week our children will share a story and snack together. Please let the teachers in the class know if your child has a food allergy.

Spirit Play: Our preschoolers will enjoy a favorite story this week – “The Carrot Seed,” followed by a discussion of “wondering questions” and creative play.  

Kindergarten through Second Grade: “Wonderful Welcome”:  This week’s lesson is about the gift of families. This session's intangible gift is sharing positive qualities such as kindness, respect and care with the people in our families. Although we do not usually get to choose them, some of our best friends can be the people we live with. The children will explore what it means to share in our families. What do we share, and how? What do we give one another that is tangible and what do we give one another that is not?

The Gift of Kindness was introduced in Session 4. Kindness is revisited in this session, along with respect and caring. The focus is on our relationships with the people we spend the most time with — the people in our families. Children will paint images of Chinese characters for words like “kindness” to hang on the walls at home.

Third through Fifth Grades: “Love Will Guide Us”:  This week the class will explore our fourth Unitarian Universalist Source, “Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves." Jesus called on his followers to live in service to those in need; this service strengthens community. Children hear a story of Jesus' life and explore the concept of community. They will have some adventures in exploring the Bible, and they will examine mustard seeds and the story Jesus told in the book of Matthew about mustard seeds growing as love grows. 

Middle School:  This week, our middle school class will work together to shape a social justice project that they will implement this spring. They will also examine the big question, “Why do bad things happen?”

Stay tuned, middle school families – your middle schooler will be invited to a social event soon, and to participate in one of two bands we are starting this spring! More information coming soon!

High School: “Our Name is Earl”:  Our high school class is meeting this week with Suki and Ed for more of our favorite characters from this humorous and endearing sitcom!

Youth Group will meet in the Social Hall from 7:00pm to 8:30pm with Shelby and Cole.

I am away at a training for Directors of Religious Education this week, but you will see Joe Nabbefeld greeting, and Julie Forkasdi and Kim Frappier will be helping with the RE program.

Have fun, and I’ll see you next week!


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