Friday, April 26, 2013

Family Information for Sunday, April 28th

Hello Friends and Families of Westside!

It’s a Seabeck retreat weekend for some of you, and for those coming to our service on Sunday, we have a full range of great things happening in RE!

K-2 parents, your children have a very special art project this Sunday – they will be making textured and stamped acrylic greeting cards to sell during social hour to raise funds for their Heifer International project. The 3-5 class will be doing this next week. See below for information about their clothing with acrylic paints.

I am in San Jose this weekend for the Pacific Western Regional Assembly (and already had an outstanding professional development session today with other DREs), so I will not be in church this Sunday. Margaret Smith and Amy Hance-Brancati will be helping with RE needs in my absence.


1.    BAND REHEARSALS: This Sunday the Uke Band meets in the social hall from 9:15 to 10:00 with Larry Murphy and Margaret Smith. We have some extra ukuleles for practice. The Youth Band meets next week.

2.    MIDDLE SCHOOL CONS: A special email message went out to middle school families with information about a local June overnight, and the fall con. That information is also at the bottom of this message for anyone else who wants to know what’s happening.

3.    CHILDREN’S CHOIR: The Children’s Choir will sing again for our RE Celebration Sunday on June 9th. Look for an announcement soon about rehearsals. All K-5th graders are invited to participate, and older youth who are interested are also welcome to join.

4.    YOUTH ADULT COMMITTEE MEETING: Our first Youth Adult Committee (YAC) meeting will be held this Wednesday, May 1st in the Fireside Room from 7-9pm. The youth members were elected during Youth Group, and they selected three adults to participate. Look for a report of youth ministry plans in upcoming communications!


Story Time: This week our children will share a story and snack together. Please let the teachers in the class know if your child has a food allergy.

Spirit Play: This week’s focus is the “Flaming Chalice Lesson” – a primary liturgical lesson used to reinforce our UU Promises/Principles. Children will start with the chalice, talking about how some people feel that it holds the spirit of love and justice and truth, or maybe the spirit of mystery, which some people call God. They will put a candle in the chalice because the flame is mysterious and beautiful and reminds us of the spirit. And they will talk about the people and other elements of our community and environment.

Kindergarten through Second Grade: “Wonderful Welcome”:  This Sunday’s session will focus on the gift of stewardship, to help our young UUs to understand that their faith home belongs to them, and its vitality depends on their accepting and giving stewardship. The health and well being of a congregation depends on the generosity of its members. When congregants give their time, talents or treasure, they are giving to themselves as well as to others — and everyone is the better for it.

We will also make textured and stamped acrylic greeting cards in class – a special project with Alice Britt. Acrylic paints will not stain hands, but they may stain clothing. The kids will also be handling tissue paper that can bleed onto clothing and hands  -- it will stain.

PARENTS -- Our children will each be given a smock or covering for this project, but we suggest that you send them in clothing appropriate for this art activity. Thank you!

Third through Fifth Grades: “Love Will Guide Us”:  This week’s session, “We are Loved, Flaws and All” focuses on the first Unitarian Universalist Source, "Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and openness to the forces that create and uphold life," expressed in children's language as "the sense of wonder we all share." The children will consider human nature, with a focus on the wonder and awe of finding beauty in unexpected places. The session affirms that, although humans are imperfect creatures, with work and time and love we can turn our blemishes into strength and beauty. A story illustrates the concept, telling of a gem carver who transforms a deeply scratched diamond by crafting the scratch into a beautiful flower.

Middle School: “Riddle and Mystery”:  This week’s session, “Interconnected”, addresses the big question: How am I connected with everything else? Sixth graders stand at the brink of adolescence, finding new relationships, new challenges and a new sense of the self's place in the universe. This session makes the conceptual UU "interconnected web of all existence" concrete and meaningful for them. The youth consider their place in the many spheres that comprise their expanding lives. They will learn about Henry Bergh, founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a Unitarian who created a new way for humans to connect respectfully with other species. As part of their Faith in Action, our youth will continue to work on their social justice project with the White Center Food Bank.

High School: “Our Name is Earl”: This week’s episode addresses lies vs. honesty. Unitarian Universalists believe that what each of us knows about the world is a piece of the truth. This is why we are called to accept each other (Principle 3). When our youth participate in delivering a sermon, they are called to speak the truth as they know it. Likewise, we in the congregation are called to listen with an open heart and decide what we agree with and what we don't. In Unitarian Universalism, we call this “the free pulpit and the free pew,” and this is what is meant by “The Right of Conscience” (Principle 5).

Often people tell lies because of their perception of the truth. In this episode, Joy lies about her marriage and her family because she believes her father to be racist (not to mention, still a business owner). Joy's mother is deceitful because she believes no one will understand her gambling problem. Earl keeps Joy's secret – and Joy's mother's secret – because he believes it is the only way to have a happy Christmas. In the end, however, they all have to speak their truth the way they see it. Once they are truthful, they are able to have the day they all wish for.  

Youth Group will meet this week in the social hall from 7:00-8:30pm with Shelby and Cole.

Have a fabulous Sunday!


Middle School Information:

1) If your middle schooler is participating in the Milk Money skit in this week's service, please bring them to church by 10:00am (10:15 at the latest) to meet in the Fireside Room to rehearse.

2) Another Middle School Fun Night -- We are planning another fun night in our social hall for May. A rousing game of hide-and-seek in the church is likely on the agenda. Watch for a date in next week's eNews.

3) Middle School Overnight Event -- June 7th and 8th at Northlake UU Church. It's a mini middle school con for local congregations! The space will go fast, so please let me know if your 6th-8th grader would like to attend. And parents, we need a couple of adult sponsors -- let me know if you're interested! The registration form is attached. You can submit them to me -- I will sign, and send them in altogether. Even before that, if I know you're interested, I'll call to reserve space for us. 

4) Middle School Fall Con -- Here is the announcement that just came out:

Middle School Conference 2013!
September 27-29, 2013 at Camp Sealth on Vashon Island
Join 70 other UU 6th, 7th and 8th graders from around the Sound
as they enjoy a weekend of fun, sharing and living our UU Principles.
Sponsored by Liberal Religious Educators Association’s Puget Sound Cluster
Cost $120 before August. 31 or $135 after August 31 includes meals all day Saturday, breakfast & lunch Sunday, lodging, all camp activities: Archery, Boating, Talent Show!
For more information please contact your Director of Religious Exploration or Lori Fernholz-Hartman at or 253-476-2799
Final registration deadline Sept. 6, no exceptions.
Half-scholarships are available for early birds only. 

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