Saturday, February 2, 2013

Family Information for Sunday, February 3, 2013

 Hello Friends and Families of Westside!

Our teachers have been meeting in their teams to prepare for lively spring classes. We want to ensure that our children and youth leave with the core ideas of their lessons, and we encourage you to use this email message and our blog to engage your child(ren) in discussion through the week.


1.    Pick-Up from Classes: Our classes are designed to be about 50 minutes in length. Our pick-up time is 11:50am. The two classes that need attention at this time are our K-2 and Grades 3-5 groups, in the classrooms on the third floor. Middle and High School youth are free to meet you in the Social Hall once their classes have ended. Young children can be picked up on the first floor between 11:50 and 12:00.

a.    K-2 in the Cloud Room – These teachers are planning to close a little earlier, and to engage the kids in an activity at the very end of class that is less structured. They welcome you to enter the classroom at 11:50, even if the door is closed, to visit and pick up your child. We would like to move the crowds from the hallway into the classroom. You do need to sign your child out.
b.    Grades 3-5 in the Youth Room – Please wait outside the classroom until the class has ended. You also need to sign your child out. However, if you are comfortable meeting your child downstairs in the Social Hall, please make an arrangement for this with the teachers.

2.    Chalice Palace: Friday, February 15th is our next Chalice Palace night! This is a great opportunity for children, youth and adults to try out and share their talents and new things they’ve been learning (starting an instrument, or telling stories…). It’s a long-standing multigenerational event in our community that truly supports each of us in finding the courage to present and perform to give joy to others. Encourage your child(ren) to sign up for Chalice Palace during the Social Hour, or contact Linda Anderson ( to put your name on the list.

3.    Spring Semester Curriculum: You can learn more about the spring semester focus for your child or youth in several ways:
·      Our RE blog at
·      A WSUU RE spring prospectus from the greeter table at church
·      The WSUU web site at
·      Your DRE! Contact me any time at 410-274-2018, or


Story Time: This week our children will share a story and snack together. Please let the teachers in the class know if your child has a food allergy.

Spirit Play: This week’s focus is the “Flaming Chalice Lesson” – a primary liturgical lesson used to reinforce our UU Promises/Principles. Children will start with the chalice, talking about how some people feel that it holds the spirit of love and justice and truth, or maybe the spirit of mystery, which some people call God. They will put a candle in the chalice because the flame is mysterious and beautiful and reminds us of the spirit. And they will talk about the people and other elements of our community and environment.

Kindergarten through Second Grade: “Wonderful Welcome”: This week’s class in the Wonderful Welcome curriculum focuses on “The Gift of Forgiveness”. This lesson introduces forgiveness as an intangible gift with power to heal friendships and restore peace. The children will consider forgiveness in the context of how they can respond if someone in their Wonderful Welcome class breaks the covenant the group talked about in Session 2 last week.

Third through Fifth Grades: “Windows and Mirrors”: This week’s lesson in the Windows and Mirrors curriculum is “We Need Not Think Alike to Love Alike”. Unitarian Universalism finds strength in explicitly welcoming diversity. It is well known that many of us bring identities and beliefs that are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Humanist or Pagan to our UU religious lives. This session helps our kids to examine their family’s faith journey and traditions, and to begin to discover their own beliefs and the sources of those beliefs. In this lesson they will also be introduced to our six Sources that support and nurture UU faith.

This is a particularly important lesson to follow up on at home – talking more about your family’s faith journey and paths, and letting your child voice their beliefs and experience affirmation of them.  

Middle School: “Riddle and Mystery”: This week’s lesson in the Riddle and Mystery curriculum is titled “Looking Toward Tomorrow,” and the youth will be answering the big question “Where are we going?” This is the final question of Paul Gauguin’s trilogy (Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?). It introduces the idea that Unitarian Universalism is a humanistic religion: We believe humans have the potential to greatly shape our mutual destiny. Our youth will consider increasing control they will gain, with time, over their own decisions and lives – and the responsibilities and opportunities that accompany this control.

High School: “Our Name is Earl”:  This week’s episode, “Broke Joy’s Fancy Figurine” will help our youth to think about their own dreams and goals, how they may have changed already, and what they’re willing to sacrifice to make them happen. Processing around this episode will focus on principles three and four (acceptance and encouragement of spiritual growth, and free and responsible search for truth and meaning). They’ll also talk about when a child’s dreams might be different than their parents’ dreams for them.

Youth Group will meet from 7PM to 8:30 PM in the Social Hall with Shelby Greiner and Suki Kaplan, focusing on formation of the YAC and planning for their upcoming morning service on March 3rd.

See you Sunday!


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