Saturday, February 2, 2013

Family Information for Sunday, January 27, 2013

 Hello Friends and Families of Westside!


1.    Visioning Session for WSUU’s Youth Programming: Look for a summary of our dynamic visioning session in the Order of Service on Sunday, February 27th. The youth are currently planning for the formation of a YAC (Youth Adult Committee) that will support the implementation of our vision priorities.

2.    Spring Semester Curriculum: You can learn more about the spring semester focus for your child or youth in several ways:
·      Our RE blog at
·      A WSUU RE spring prospectus from the greeter table at church
·      The WSUU web site at
·      Your DRE! Contact me any time at 410-274-2018, or


Story Time: Three and four year olds will work on learning our covenant of love and acceptance this semester. The young UUs in this class will learn through hands-on experience with the wonderful and wide world around them; stories about our faith that teach our history and principles; and play, which is the natural expression of the young child's heart and mind. We seek to teach children that the whole of their being is accepted as they are in this class.

This week our children will share a story and snack together. Please let the teachers in the class know if your child has a food allergy.

Spirit Play: Spirit Play is the Montessori approach to Religious Education. In each session, children will hear a story and then experience a time for art expression relating to that story or another story they heard earlier in the year. The stories have a Unitarian Universalist focus and seek to build a UU identity through liturgical lessons pertaining to our central story, our covenant, our religious symbol the Flaming Chalice, our church history, and UU heroes.

This week’s story is “Creation of Life on Earth.”

Kindergarten through Second Grade: “Wonderful Welcome”: This week’s class in the Wonderful Welcome curriculum focuses on “The Gift of Covenant”. This lesson is about how being in covenant with each other is a gift. The Wonder Box has the principles in it, and the children will talk about how our principles are a covenant and how covenants are promises. The story is also about a covenant. The kids have a chance to go over their class covenant and renew it. Then they make a paper chain, each link having a principle from our UU covenant, and their own covenant on it. They’ll create a chain to understand that each promise is a link that holds us together.

Third through Fifth Grades: “Windows and Mirrors”: This week’s lesson in the Windows and Mirrors curriculum is about “Me in Faith Community”. In this lesson, children will explore why we even come to church. Part of this exploration will come through hearing other’s stories and pathways to our congregation, and hearing about the faith journey of their teachers and the DRE. They will also play a jellybean activity to think about taking action – acting on the things they may see differently from others.

Middle School: “Riddle and Mystery”: This week’s lesson in the Riddle and Mystery curriculum is titled “Religion to the Rescue.” This lesson is about explaining religion in the broad sense of helping us to answer the big questions. We say UUs don’t have to do it alone. What we’re really saying is that in our faith, we come together to answer these questions – we don’t have to do it by ourselves. The big question is “what are we?”. (Answer – UUs) The class will explore the seven UU principles and six sources and learn about covenantal living.

High School: “Our Name is Earl”:  On the first and third Sundays of each month, High School Youth are invited to explore religious concepts through the life of Earl Hickey as he goes on a spiritual quest to be a better person. Based on the television series My Name is Earl, youth will learn about our Unitarian Universalist values and Principles and clarify their ideas about important religious matters that become part of our personal credos.

Our next class will be held on February 3rd.

Youth Group will meet from 7PM to 8:30 PM in the Social Hall with Shelby Greiner and Suki Kaplan, focusing on formation of the YAC and planning for their upcoming morning service.

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